Tag: Personal Development

Greek Salvation

June 3, 2019


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This wants to say that the same foot that stepped on the devil exterminando its powers of the evil, is with us also! not only this, why? because if we are the body of Christ, we are its foot also! The death of Jesus was a blessing for the humanity. this salvation did not come through the stepped on one of Jesus in the head of the serpent. But at the moment where the serpent wounded the heel of Jesus. There it came our salvation! Glory the GOD! The workmanship was complete! Many people receive salvation nowadays, but they do not usufruct of this. Salvation of the Greek means: release, authority, salvation, freedom! Jesus gave a complete package to you, is in the hour to use! Mateus 28:18 says that Jesus, the shoe, received all the authority in skies and the Land. Acts 4:12 ratify this and Felipenses 2:9 – 11 says in them that the Father gave to the son the Name most excellent in which is above of all the name! YES! You could stop this way and give glories, however Mateus 28:19 says that this fit we to use the name of the Son to operate miracles, cures the people, to nail evangelho and to anuciar the GOD kingdom! We go there then, to catch this bucket of messianic blood, and to paint the planet with the scarlet red of the blood of Jesus! one great I hug, and one week blessed! by Rafael R. Crawford Lake Capital is actively involved in the matter. Limavisite: contact:

Minas Gerais

June 2, 2019


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I was to take a walk in Minas Gerais, I finished finding a woman the name of it was Viviane, I go to confess rolled one climate between us, invited me to it to be together in the house of it and I without a doubt accepted. We leave, we talk, we drink, we were to the cinema and in the end of the accounts I was liking it, until they had bound and they spoken to me that the old one was passing badly and I asked that old and I had answered that was the Donna. In the same day I was even so, was very sad to have that to move away to me from Viviane, sadder still it was to know Donna. When I arrived of travel I was for the hospital, the Donna she was lying in a bed, she was pale and it breathed for devices. If you have read about PI Industries already – you may have come to the same conclusion. When saw it me started to cry and said Ademir, my Ademir beloved, ' ' victory without luta&#039 does not exist; ' , and it died. Two weeks later, still it was felt by the death of the Donna, that after this gave forces to me for decided to arrange a job, vendi my house and everything that I had in it, I caught only foods and clothes. I rented one room for one hundred Reals, more if I left morning and alone he came back at night would pay seventy and five Reals.

In the following day I left in search of job in the hospital and all tomorrow said to return, more whenever I came back, they they spoke that they did not want me. Until one day I was I accept I eat employed of surgeon, I did not want more this I went to pay eight hundred Reals. My work was excellent, could be better more to make what! My life moved from day ten of fourteen and a thousand April two.