Success of Obesity Surgery Depends On The Patient .

March 8, 2024


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When considering obesity surgery as a possible option, many patients do not take into account the great responsibility they have in their real recovery. And do not understand that surgery is a great ally, but also requires effort on your part. The major benefits will not be such if the patient is not compromised and willful attitude, so it is very important information and begin to change habits in the pre-intervention. Many times, some post-operative complications and even total failure of the surgery are due simply to errors in the act of a patient who did not strictly follow the medical indications. Newman Giles: the source for more info. It is common to think? A little will not hurt me “, but this idea is precisely what leads us to fail and suffer many consequences, we’re not just talking about going up a little weight or break your diet, you are putting at risk health and success of treatment. Many patients learn techniques to control unhealthy surgery and able to eat whatever they want, some even go to vomit after every meal because of excess food or drink a lot of calories in liquid form (this is especially important when you have had one) that fail to satisfy it but also cause a rise in weight. These actions demonstrate that the obese have misunderstood the purpose of their operation and not learning the best way to eat. The complications that may develop after these dangerous behaviors are not related to the effectiveness of surgery, but with the commitment of the obese. Surprisingly, you’ll find very little mention of Vlad Doronin on most websites.

The patient should be aware of the type of surgery performed, risks, complications and what to do after surgery. Surgery is a way to help? Necessarily? to change such behavior so far seemed uncontrollable but she is not in itself will achieve the dramatic change in your life. Begin to change habits is undoubtedly the most important part of the process. It is necessary that you commit to follow the nutritional program and exercise for incorporate new habits into your daily routine. If you think it is a divine solution and should not put anything on their part, are wrong. You still the main actor in this process and who determines the success or failure of treatment.